lunes, 23 de noviembre de 2015

Full Day - Option 2

US $70.00

The Gold Museum of Peru has on displays master pieces found no where else in the world. The Gold Museum houses the largest collection of Gold of Peru, showing unique pieces representing animals, birds, human beings and ancient gods. The Museum also has on displays ancient weapons not only from Peru but from other parts of the world, as well as large rooms containing dozen of textiles from different cultures dating back to 200 BC. Here visitors will get, without a doubt a deep insight into Peruvian history, learning and watching genuine relics that will leave anyone speechless. At the surroundings of the Museum visitors can find interesting shops offering a great variety of handicrafts, jewelry, textiles and all kind of Peruvian souvenirs.

The museums "Gold of Peru" and "Weapons of the World" were founded by Miguel Mujica Gallo in 1968. In both museums are more than 25,000 pieces exhibited. Inside the gardens that surround the museums is a boulevard of craft stores, jeweller’s, textile vendors and Peruvian souvenir shops. The Museum "Weapons of the World" exhibits more than 20,000 pieces from all over the world, including various weapons, horse mountings, uniforms, etc.


Barranco was at the beginning of the 20th century home to famous Peruvian writers and artists which gave the district a unique character.The daily life in Barranco is more relaxed and quieter than in the rest of Lima. The city center invites you to stroll around, visit old colonial and republican houses and enjoy the numerous other amazing sights that Barranco has to offer.The district of Barranco was officially established on the 26th of October 1874. It is located south of Miraflores directly at the Pacific Ocean. Barranco is with 3.33 km² the second smallest district of Lima.

Puente de Los Suspiros

If you head towards the ocean you will soon reach the famous "Puente de Los Suspiros". The "Bridge of Sighs" is the district's landmark. It was inaugurated on the 14th of February 1876. Since then the wooden bridge withstood the War of the Pacific and earthquakes, but had to be repaired several times and was cut down in the middle of the 20th century to its actual length of 31 m. As it always was, young couples meet at this romantic place in Barranco. Tradition says that the one, who makes a wish and then crosses the bridge for the first time without taking a breath, will have his wish fulfilled. The great Peruvian chansonière Chabuca Granda honored the 'Puente de los Suspíros' by dedicating one of her songs to her.


The first stone of the Basilica Cathedral of Lima was laid in 1535. The original adobe building was officially inaugurated by Francisco Pizarro in 1540. It was designated a cathedral by Papal Bull in 1541.Since that time the church has been extended and reconstructed several times as the result of a number of earthquakes - the last of any significance was in 1940. The colonial structure and facade still remain. The facade has three large doorways and the central door is known as the Portada del Perdon - 'the door of forgiveness'.The Cathedral also contains the tomb of the Spanish conquistador of Peru, Francisco Pizarro.

The front of the cathedral is carved in stone and ornamented with exquisite details and decorations. The interior impresses with the merging of late Gothic, Baroque and Neoclassic elements. Beautiful are the vaulted ceiling and the checkerboard flooring; amazing the gold-plated main altar and the carved wooden choir stalls with detailed carved arms and back representing saints, virgins and apostles.

San Francisco Convent & Catacombs

The Church and Convent of San Francisco is besides the Cathedral of Lima probably the most significant religious complex in Lima. The church with the impressive main portal, the affiliated convent and the two churches of "El Milagro" and "La Soledad" form together the most successful and impressive monument of Colonial architecture in whole Latin America. Definitely the absolute highlight of the tour is the descent into the convents catacombs that served until 1808 as a burial ground. An estimated 30,000 deceased are buried here.

Most people go to San Francisco, however, for its catacombs. The catacombs were actually part of Lima's original cemeteries, which were built under churches. Tour guides say an estimated 75,000 bodies are buried under San Francisco alone, and many of the remains are exposed, stacked in strange patterns in circular stone pits. A catacomb tour is not for the squeamish or the claustrophobic.

San Cristoball Hill

The hill is part of the Rimac valley mountain range and got its name in 1535, shortly after the Spaniards erected a large cross on the side of the hill. The site was selected because it was the closest hill to the majorly populated areas of Lima, meaning the majority would be able to see and visit the cross.

Since its construction, the cross has stood atop the hill looking over Lima, and although damaged by native tribes over time, it has prevailed. On a clear day (unlike the one when I visited) it is possible to see most, if not all, of Lima from the side of this hill. Even on the day I went, as overcast and drizzly as it was, I could see a vast majority of the city, from the colorful slums right below me, to the districts of San Isidro, Miraflores, and Barranco off in the distance. Cerro San Cristobal is a site of pilgrimage for many Peruvians. The first Sunday of May and Easter Sunday are two days when masses of people flock to this cross, covering the entire hillside.

Each tour include the following: 

  • Pick-up from the meeting point
  • Transportation
  • English & Spanish speaking guide
  • All entrance fee tickets 

Pick-up: If your hotel or accomodation is far from the meeting point, please let me know and i will be happy to arrange another place to meet.

Recomendations: To wear confortable clothes, shoes, sunglasses, sunscreen and a hat. Bring a bottle of water and fully charged battery for your camara.

NOTE: you can make your own package by picking four or less locations. Any inquiries, please send an e-mail to 

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