lunes, 16 de noviembre de 2015


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Barranco was at the beginning of the 20th century home to famous Peruvian writers and artists which gave the district a unique character.The daily life in Barranco is more relaxed and quieter than in the rest of Lima. The city center invites you to stroll around, visit old colonial and republican houses and enjoy the numerous other amazing sights that Barranco has to offer.The district of Barranco was officially established on the 26th of October 1874. It is located south of Miraflores directly at the Pacific Ocean. Barranco is with 3.33 km² the second smallest district of Lima.

Puente de Los Suspiros

If you head towards the ocean you will soon reach the famous "Puente de Los Suspiros". The "Bridge of Sighs" is the district's landmark. It was inaugurated on the 14th of February 1876. Since then the wooden bridge withstood the War of the Pacific and earthquakes, but had to be repaired several times and was cut down in the middle of the 20th century to its actual length of 31 m. As it always was, young couples meet at this romantic place in Barranco. Tradition says that the one, who makes a wish and then crosses the bridge for the first time without taking a breath, will have his wish fulfilled. The great Peruvian chansonière Chabuca Granda honored the 'Puente de los Suspíros' by dedicating one of her songs to her.

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