lunes, 16 de noviembre de 2015


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The first stone of the Basilica Cathedral of Lima was laid in 1535. The original adobe building was officially inaugurated by Francisco Pizarro in 1540. It was designated a cathedral by Papal Bull in 1541.

Since that time the church has been extended and reconstructed several times as the result of a number of earthquakes - the last of any significance was in 1940. The colonial structure and facade still remain. The facade has three large doorways and the central door is known as the Portada del Perdon - the door of forgiveness.

The Cathedral also contains the tomb of the Spanish conquistador of Peru, Francisco Pizarro.

The front of the cathedral is carved in stone and ornamented with exquisite details and decorations. The interior impresses with the merging of late Gothic, Baroque and Neoclassic elements. Beautiful are the vaulted ceiling and the checkerboard flooring; amazing the gold-plated main altar and the carved wooden choir stalls with detailed carved arms and back representing saints, virgins and apostles.

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