lunes, 16 de noviembre de 2015

San Francisco Convent & Catacombs

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The Church and Convent of San Francisco is besides the Cathedral of Lima probably the most significant religious complex in Lima. The church with the impressive main portal, the affiliated convent and the two churches of "El Milagro" and "La Soledad" form together the most successful and impressive monument of Colonial architecture in whole Latin America. Definitely the absolute highlight of the tour is the descent into the convents catacombs that served until 1808 as a burial ground. An estimated 30,000 deceased are buried here.

Most people go to San Francisco, however, for its catacombs. The catacombs were actually part of Lima's original cemeteries, which were built under churches. Tour guides say an estimated 75,000 bodies are buried under San Francisco alone, and many of the remains are exposed, stacked in strange patterns in circular stone pits. A catacomb tour is not for the squeamish or the claustrophobic.

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